
Big Picture Film Club Presents: The Pablosphere | Screening + Q&A

Isla Grande - The Pablosphere

Join the Big Picture Film Club for our first ever virtual film screening! The Pablosphere is a documentary investigating the myth and fascination around Pablo Escobar. The online event will take place Monday 9nd May 7:00pm (BST) streaming exclusively on Airmeet.

In the words of filmmakers, Elia Bouët & Hugo Altmayer, “The Pablosphere is a documentary project that we have started as a result of our puzzling fascination for Pablo Escobar, the world’s most famous and powerful criminal. His story is as incredible as it is true, but from our distant perspective – that of two European students born two years after Escobar’s death, it remains a hard one to believe. This is why we decided to travel to Colombia to meet, greet and film as much as we can find of Pablo Escobar’s legacy.

As part of this special preview screening, we’ll also be joined by the filmmakers, Elia Bouët & Hugo Altmayer for a post-screening Q&A. 🎟️ Tickets are available on a pay-what-you-want basis. Once you’ve purchased your ticket you’ll be given a link to the event.

The Pablosphere – Teaser Clip // Credit: Crumb Films

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Presh Williams

A lover of all types of films: from micro-budget indies to major studio films. It's the story that counts. Co-Founder of Big Picture Film Club and Cinnect.