The Shining's Real World Inspiration

From Script to Screen: Real-Life Inspirations For The Shining

A photorealistic depiction of Kowloon Walled City in the 1980s

The Enduring Fascination of Kowloon Walled City in Cinema: 5 Films Inspired By The Infamous Enclave

The Skies Are Watching / Artwork - Courtesy of Goldhawk Productions

BBC’s The Skies Are Watching: Reviving Radio Drama with a Modern Twist

Inside No. 9: A Farewell to One of Britain’s Most Innovative TV Shows

Ethics of Biopics: Balancing Historical Accuracy and Creative License in Movies


Whimsical Wasteland: Why Amazon Prime’s Fallout Series Is a Hit

The Moor

Chilling British Horror “The Moor” Set for UK Release This Summer

Joker: Folie à deux tries something different

Reinventing the Franchise: Will Joker: Folie à Deux’s Musical Twist Succeed?

Muslim International Film Festival

The Inaugural Muslim International Film Festival Launches In London