
Odeon & Big Picture Film Club Presents: While We Watched

While We Watched

Join us at select Odeon Cinemas across the U.K on Tuesday 18th July for a special screening of the political newsroom documentary While We Watched. The movie will be accompanied by an exclusive interview with the film’s director, Vinay Shukla.

About While We Watched

“While We Watched” chronicles the fraught journey of Indian journalist, Ravish Kumar, known for his unflinching critiques of the establishment. Amid an eroding press freedom, rising threats to his life, and his network’s financial struggles, Kumar tenaciously defends the values of good journalism. Yet, the strain takes a toll, morphing him from a spirited challenger to a man deeply concerned for his family and the soul of his nation. The film presents an intimate portrait of the struggle to uphold truth amidst a sea of adversity.

Also Read: Political Thrillers: Between Fact, Fiction, and Hidden Agendas

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Posted by Presh Williams

A lover of all types of films: from micro-budget indies to major studio films. It's the story that counts. Co-Founder of Big Picture Film Club and Cinnect.