
Short Film | Third Act

Third Act | Short Film

Layered in hidden messages, the story begins on three friends as they embark on a new venture in podcasting. A humble setting for conversation quickly yields tension-filled exchanges between the friends, opening a sequence of events that reveal secrets in their respective relationships.

Starring: Ashley Bannerman (The Infiltrator, Turn Up Charlie); Gia Ré (Eli); Michael Akinsulire (Killing Eve); Stephanie Levi-John (The Spanish Princess); CJ Beckford (Victoria).

Story: Olan Collardy and Leon Mayne
Writer / Director: Leon Mayne
Producer: Charlotte Toon

Watch the “Third Act” via the link below.

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Presh Williams

A lover of all types of films: from micro-budget indies to major studio films. It's the story that counts. Co-Founder of Big Picture Film Club and Cinnect.