
Kelly Galindo Discusses Her Docuseries “26 Seconds” Which Highlights Global Human Trafficking

26 Seconds Documentary

26 Seconds is a documentary film about global sex trafficking and the efforts of international non-profit organizations that rescue victims from the sex trade. We sat down with the film’s creator, writer & director, Kelly Galindo to discuss issues raised in her docuseries and the work being done to combat global trafficking.

You can watch the full interview below:

Kelly Galindo, 26 Seconds.

You can support 26 Seconds via the following links:

Website: www.26secondsdoc.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfdK4RCPTFQDBC_W-60eKFA

Fundraising Campaign: https://26seconds.wedid.it/campaigns/7974-26-seconds-doc

Virtual Screening Room: https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/26seconds

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Posted by Presh Williams

A lover of all types of films: from micro-budget indies to major studio films. It's the story that counts. Co-Founder of Big Picture Film Club and Cinnect.