
June Competition: DVD Bundle Giveaway

Courtesy of Signature Entertainment we have to giveaway a fantastic DVD bundle to two lucky winners. This DVD bundle includes The Titan, starring Sam Worthington; Cell, starring Samuel L Jackson; & Predestination, starring Ethan Hawke.

Want to enter? Simply like our Facebook or Instagram page and the post and enter your name in the comments on the Facebook or Instagram post for the competition and we will pick two winners at random: one on Facebook & one on Instagram.

The competition closes Saturday 23rd June 2018 11:59 pm (BST). Entrants must be based in the UK and over the age of 18.

Any late entries will not be considered. The winners will be announced on Facebook & Instagram and will be picked using www.commentpicker.com.

For further queries regarding the competition please e-mail hello@bigpicturefilmclub.com.