
Goldfinch Announces 4th First Flights Short Film Fund – Supporting Female Filmmakers

Kirsty Bell

First Flights has just announced their FOURTH round of their Short Film Fund.

This special Female Voices edition is focused on supporting female filmmakers and raising awareness of the underrepresentation and discrepancies in pay and positions between men and women in the film industry.

To be eligible for this round of funds either the writers, directors or producers of the film project must be persons who identify as female.

With a financial grant of $10,000 available, Goldfinch will also offer a development platform for the successful filmmaker, supporting the filmmaker and their short as a proof of concept for a feature film of up to a $1M budget through Goldfinch.

“Of the 250 highest-grossing films in 2020, 67% of films employ fewer than five women in the key positions of director, writer, executive producer, producer, editor or cinematographer. As such, we are compelled to address the gender imbalance in the film industry and proud to be making a small step towards supporting a new generation of female filmmakers, in the hope that other organisations will follow suit. There are incredible stories waiting to be told and new voices waiting to be heard – we’re excited to meet the next generation of filmmaking talent.”

– Kirsty Bell, Goldfinch CEO

Also Read: Goldfinch Entertainment’s Sarah Poole Discusses Private Film Funding

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Posted by Presh Williams

A lover of all types of films: from micro-budget indies to major studio films. It's the story that counts. Co-Founder of Big Picture Film Club and Cinnect.