Love Movies? Have an opinion on film or TV you would like to share? Have some free time? Then we would like to hear from you!
What we do
Big Picture Film Club is a film exhibitor, media company and marketing agency. We connect films with diverse audiences, from blockbusters to independent cinema, bringing value to the viewing experience through conversations that can transform the cultural impact film has on society.
What we are looking for
We’re expanding the platform and are looking for a blogger to join our small but dedicated team on a freelance basis. We’re looking for a writer who can produce four articles a month. We are looking for someone who can explore and provide a critical analysis on the cultural impact of the film & TV landscape and how it relates to social, political and topical issues.
What to do
Simply e-mail us at telling us a bit about yourself – with examples of any previous articles you have written, or alternatively simply pitch an idea you have for an article. We pay a fixed rate of £13 (~$15) per article, the typical article length is 400 – 600 words.
The deadline for applications is 31st January 2023.
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